Sunday, March 7, 2010


WONDERCON! We will be at booth 1344 with Julian Meyer and Joko Budiono at Moscone Center in San Francisco. April, Friday 02, Saturday 03, and Sunday 04.


Ricky Cometa said...

awesome nick! can't wait to grab your book!

Armand Serrano said...

All the best at WonderCon!

Emerson Tung said...

sweet! I saw some sample of your book hanging at the Powell building and was blown away! Definitely gonna try and catch ya and grab a copy!

Ramon Mejia Jr. said...

Is your book going to be available for those who live on the east coast? I am from new york and want a copy.

LaStrìa said...

Ciao Nick!
your blog is very interesting!
you do fantastic things!
If you want, visit my blog and tell me what you think about it!
Chiara (from Italy)

robi pena said...

Que tal Nicolas :-))?!! Perdona por haber tardado tanto en contestarte, acabo de regresar de una semanita de mis vacaciones! Felicitarte por ese lindisimo libro, tiene unas pintas espectaculares!!! Los ultimos trabajos encantadores amigo!! Te mando un fuerte abrazo y hasta pronto!!

Jason Pruett said...

You book looks good. I like the colors. . . designs are sweet, too.

Lali Varveri said...

Nicolas donde se consigue ese libro??? Un saludo muy grande
Pd- excelente lo que haces